
PathSafe: Secure Path Verification in Software-Defined Networks
D. Monaco, N. Antonijevic, S. Duttagupta, D. Singelee, A. Sacco, E. Marin and B. Preneel. IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2025)

Dynamic Frequency-Based Fingerprinting Attacks against Modern Sandbox Environments
D. Roy Dipta, T. Tiemann, B. Gulmezoglu, E. Marin and T. Eisenbarth. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P 2024)

HAT: Secure and Practical Key Establishment for Implantable Medical Devices
S. Duttagupta, E. Marin, D. Singelée and B. Preneel. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2023)

Heimdallr: Fingerprinting SD-WAN Control-Plane Architecture via Encrypted Control Traffic
M. Seo, J. Kim, E. Marin, M. You, T. Park, S. Lee, S. Shin and J. Kim. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2022) (acceptance rate: 24%)

Symbolon: Enabling Flexible Multi-device-based User Authentication
T. Laing+, E. Marin+, M. Ryan+, J. Schiffman+ and G. Wattiau+. IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC 2022)

EqualNet: A Secure and Practical Defense for Long-term Network Topology Obfuscation
J. Kim+, E. Marin+, M. Conti and S. Shin. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2022) (acceptance rate: 16,2%)

FuzzyKey: Comparing Fuzzy Cryptographic Primitives on Resource-Constrained Devices
M. Zhang, E. Marin, D. Oswald and D. Singelée. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (CARDIS 2021)

PPFL: Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Trusted Execution Environments
F. Mo, H. Haddadi, K. Katevas, E. Marin, D. Perino and N. Kourtellis. ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2021) (acceptance rate: 22%) Won the Best Paper Award.

An In-depth Look Into SDN Topology Discovery Mechanisms: Novel Attacks and Practical Countermeasures
E. Marin, N. Bucciol and M. Conti. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2019) (acceptance rate: 16%).

A Tale of Two Worlds: Assessing the Vulnerability of Enclave Shielding Runtimes
J. Van Bulck, D. Oswald, E. Marin, A. Aldoseri, F. D. Garcia and F. Piessens. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2019) (acceptance rate: 16%).

On the Difficulty of Using Patient’s Physiological Signals in Cryptographic Protocols
E. Marin, E. Argones Rúa, D. Singelée and B. Preneel. ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019) (acceptance rate: 23%).

Securing Wireless Neurostimulators
E. Marin, D. Singelée, B. Yang, V. Volskiy, G. Vandenbosch, B. Nuttin and B. Preneel. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018) (acceptance rate: 21%) (The Morning Paper, The Register).

Privacy-Preserving Device Tracking System Using a Low-Power Wide-Area Network
T. Ashur+, J. Delvaux+, S. Lee+, P. Maene+, E. Marin+, S. Nikova+, O. Reparaz+, V. Rozic+, D. Singelée+, B. Yang+ and B. Preneel+. International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2017) (acceptance rate: 27%).

Physical-Layer Fingerprinting of LoRa devices using Supervised and Zero-Shot Learning
P. Robyns+, E. Marin+, W. Lamotte, P. Quax, D. Singelée and B. Preneel. ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2017) (acceptance rate: 22%).

On the (in)security of the Latest Generation Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators
E. Marin, D. Singelée, F. Garcia, T. Chothia, R. Willems and B. Preneel. ACM Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2016) (acceptance rate: 23%) (BBC, The Times, The Register, PC World, Security Week, De Tijd).

On the feasibility of cryptography for a wireless insulin pump system
E. Marin, D. Singelée, B. Yang, I. Verbauwhede and B. Preneel. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2016) (acceptance rate: 19%).

A Privacy-preserving Remote Healthcare System Offering End-to-End Security
E. Marin, M. Mustafa, D. Singelée and B. Preneel. International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2016) (acceptance rate: 37%).


ARASEC: Adaptive Resource Allocation and Model Training for Serverless Edge-Cloud Computing
D. Katare, E. Marin, N. Kourtellis, M. Janssen and A. Yi Ding (IEEE Internet Computing 2024)

Ambusher: Exploring the Security of Distributed SDN Controllers through Protocol State Fuzzing
J. Kim, M. Seo, E. Marin, S. Lee, J. Nam, and S. Shin. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS 2024)

Security in Cloud-Native Services: A Survey
T. Theodoropoulos, L. Rosa, C. Benzaid, P. Gray, E. Marin, A. Makris, L. Cordeiro, F. Diego, P. Sorokin, M. Di Girolamo, P. Barone, T. Taleb, K. Tserpes. (Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy​ 2023)

Serverless Computing: A Security Perspective
E. Marin, D. Perino, R. Di Pietro. (Journal of Cloud Computing)

PPFL: Enhancing Privacy in Federated Learning with Confidential Computing
F. Mo, H. Haddadi, K. Katevas, E. Marin, D. Perino, N. Kourtellis. (ACM GetMobile 2022)

Privacy-preserving AI for future networks
D. Perino, K. Katevas, A. Lutu, E. Marin, N. Kourtellis. Communications of the ACM (CACM 2022)

Software Defined Networking Privacy
E. Marin and D. Perino. 3rd edition of Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy (2021).

Remote monitoring of cardiac implanted electronic devices – legal requirements and ethical principles ESC REGULATORY AFFAIRS / EHRA JOINT TASK FORCE REPORT
J. Cosedis , J. Kautzner, R. Casado-Arroyo, H. Burri, S. Callens, M. R Cowie, K. Dickstein, I. Drossart, G. Geneste, Z. Erkin, F. Hyafil, A. Kraus, V. Kutyifa, E. Marin, C. Schulze, D. Slotwiner, K. Stein, S. Zanero, H. Heidbuchel and A. G Fraser. EP Europace 2020 (Impact factor: 6.1).

Fast, Furious and Insecure: Passive Keyless Entry and Start Systems in Modern Supercars
L. Wouters, E. Marin, T. Ashur, B. Gierlichs and B. Preneel. Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES 2019) (Site).

Workshops and posters

P4Chaskey: An Efficient MAC Algorithm for PISA Switches
M. Francisco, B. Ferreira, F. Ramos, E. Marin and S. Signorello. 7th European P4 Workshop (EuroP4 2024)

OOBKey: Key Exchange with Implantable Medical Devices Using Out-Of-Band Channels
M. Zhang, E. Marin, M. Ryan, V. Kostakos, T. Murray, B. Tag and D. Oswald. 21th International Workshop on Trust, Privacy and Security in the Digital Society (TrustBus 2024)

Building the Cloud Continuum with REAR
S. Galantino, E. Albanese, N. Asadov, S. Braghin, F. Cappa, A. Colli-Vignarelli, A. Majid, E. Marin, J. Marino, L. Moro, L. Nedoshivina, F. Risso, D. Siracusa, A. Skarmeta and L. Zuanazzi. 3rd International Workshop on Edge Network Softwarization (ENS 2024)

Primitives for Finite Field Arithmetic in Network Switches
D. Seara, B. Conde, E. Marin, M. Medard, M. Shahbaz and F. M. V. Ramos. (P4 workshop 2022)

Inter-operability and Orchestration in Heterogeneous Cloud/Edge Resources: the ACCORDION vision
I. Korontanis, K. Tserpes, M. Pateraki, L. Blasi, J. Violos, F. Diego, E. Marin, N. Kourtellis, M. Coppola, E. Carlini, Z. Ledwon, P. Tarkowski, T. Loven, Y. Gonzalez, M. Kentros, M. Dodis, P. Dazzi. 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge (FRAME 2021).

Fast, Furious and Insecure: Passive Keyless Entry and Start Systems in Modern Supercars
L. Wouters, E. Marin, T. Ashur, B. Gierlichs and B. Preneel Embedded security in cars (ESCAR EU 2018).

Poster: Fast, Furious and Insecure: Passive Keyless Entry and Start Systems in Modern Supercars
L. Wouters, E. Marin, T. Ashur, B. Gierlichs and B. Preneel Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2018).

De-pseudonymization of Smart Metering Data: Analysis and Countermeasures
S. Cleemput, M. Mustafa, E. Marin and B. Preneel Workshop on Industrial Internet of Things Security (WIIoTS 2018).

Towards quantum distance bounding protocols
A. Abidin+, E. Marin+, D. Singelée+ and B. Preneel+. Workshop on RFID Security and Privacy (RFIDsec 2016).

[+ The authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship]